HEGOA, a compact dynamic hexapod : HEGOA est un hexapode compact de simulation de mouvement de 45 cm de haut. Il permet de reproduire des trajectoires de véhicules (bateau, tank, avion...) pour tester des instruments qui seront ensuite embarqués : tourelleaux, caméras, boules optroniques... • premier hexapode de mouvement aussi compact • permet de tester des instruments qui seront ainsi plus rapidement disponibles et fiabilisés pour les forces • technologie mature de l'hexapode, système mécatronique à architecture parallèle composé de 6 actionneurs et de 2 plateformes; 1 fixe, 1 mobile.
Use of simulated environments to stress test Computer Vision models : CalypsoAI has developed a platform to stress test AI/Vision models across edge case scenarios as well as adversarial and inversion attacks. The company leverages proprietary process that leverages synthetic stressors (fog, snow, rain, brightness, flares) to test the performance of computer vision models for full motion video and enables organisations to test their models pre-deployment for robustness. Maturity: Our company has been selected by the US Air Force Joint AI Center to help with testing and validating AI models. The technology is market ready and allows users to bridge the "AI Chasm", i.e. the time/resources it takes for companies to adopt trustworthy and robust AI models in mission critical deployment phase
International Minetest Project : Live video or streaming platforms, as shown by the example of Twitch, attract and gather players from all over the world, creating communication and relaxation links. Thus, our Minetest project challenges us on the potential development of this field. How to exploit an environment that young people particularly appreciate and transform it into a lever for performance and education ? The Minetest project is a management and research project in edutainment conducted at the UPEC Management Research Institute. The purpose is to allow students around the world working together during the next university year by using Minetest. We have to complete a construction project, using research, creativity and innovation.
Data Driven VR Simulation : We intend to democratise simulation training by bringing high end simulation capability, once the sole domain of elite roles such as pilots, surgeons and F1 drivers, to whoever needs it, whenever they need it, wherever they need it. Our insight is that VR, as well as being a great way of presenting data to a user, is also an incredibly powerful data capture medium. Our HEAT platform combines VR technology with data capture, analysis and machine learning (ML) in order to measure, evaluate and predict human performance and improve training outcomes. Training needs to be more accessible and more evenly spread across the force - including making maximum use of simulation & partnering with industry around the ability to capture and exploit data.
VALORENS Capturing the mind of the enemy : Predictive analysis : A major challenge for land forces is understanding the tactical situation. It is a question of being able to exploit more and more information, often useless and sometimes contradictory, in a highly constrained timing, to provide the tactical leader with the elements necessary for decision-making. In order to facilitate this understanding, the ValoRENS project seeks to estimate and anticipate, in real-time, the enemy’s likely goals, organization, actions and positions. There is no yet existing tool able to estimate the future position of the enemy, its actions and ORBAT Short-term benefits for the forces : MASA Group will enhance the SWORD Simulation and offer decision support functionalities.
InMind-VR : The success of each field expedition, each piloting session or each mission is conditioned by a common factor: the agent facing the situation. The frontier between success and failure depends on the human's behavioral adaptation abilities on the field, on his cognitive and decision making performances conditioned by his reaction to stress. ased on our expertise in Neurosciences, we propose to assess stress, cognitive/mental load, sensory processes from balance to spatial navigation, and more. Our solutions are flexible, and can be rapidly deployed to address several issues: • Monitoring and selection of staff • Large-scale evaluation and prediagnosis of populations
HOLOREKA, Assistantf or inspection and maintenance : HOLOREKA is an innovative tool created to assist inspection and maintenance of equipment in Augmented Reality. The program allows you to display, with the help of holographics, the room, equipment or installation you wish to visualise, validate or inspect. Holoreka’s main interest resides in its fast and accurate overlapping of a 3D virtual model of an equipment on its real-world counterpart. From there, Holoreka provides a wide range of tools. The main aspect hindering the sale of the product is the cultivation of this new, relatively unknown technology. We are actively demonstrating all of its capabilities and limitless applications to make people more inclined to deploy such a tool in their own company.
... : Made in Switzerland, voici un projet qui pourrait revaloriser enfin les imprimantes 3D aux yeux du commun des mortels, celui qui ne sait pas et ne saura jamais concevoir un plan en 3D. L'application permet en effet de modéliser très facilement un objet que l'on souhaite reproduire. Il suffit de tourner autour de lui avec son smartphone pour prendre des photos. Après traitement des angles et mise à l'échelle, on obtient un fichier 3D tout prêt.
... : Made in USA, Jelly est un réseau social d'entraide qui fait un carton depuis son lancement début 2014. Fondé par Biz Stone, co-fondateur de Twitter, il permet à ses utilisateurs d'utiliser le mode photo pour demander de l'aide auprès de leurs contacts. Quelle est cette plante ? Ou sortir à Paris ? Quel type de vis est nécessaire pour monter cette étagère ? Une question, un cliché, et on envoie tout cela à la communauté.
... : Made in USA, Shodan est un moteur de recherche capable de recenser tous les objets connectés (webcams, outils domotiques, robots, centrales hydrauliques, informatique des entreprises...), mais aussi d'en prendre le contrôle. Une application qui permet de prendre conscience des risques de piratage, diront les uns. Qui encourage les hackers, diront les autres.
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Eurosatory 2022 - Candidatures
Résultats des votes :
1740 personnes ont voté / people voted. HEGOA, a compact dynamic hexapod a reçu 650 votes. Use of simulated environments to stress test Computer Vision models a reçu 10 votes. International Minetest Project a reçu 872 votes. Data Driven VR Simulation a reçu 62 votes. VALORENS Capturing the mind of the enemy : Predictive analysis a reçu 124 votes. InMind-VR a reçu 5 votes. HOLOREKA, Assistantf or inspection and maintenance a reçu 12 votes.
Et dans l'ordre des places / And in order of places : 1er - International Minetest Project a reçu 872 votes. 2ème - HEGOA, a compact dynamic hexapod a reçu 650 votes. 3ème - VALORENS Capturing the mind of the enemy : Predictive analysis a reçu 124 votes. 4ème - Data Driven VR Simulation a reçu 62 votes. 5ème - HOLOREKA, Assistantf or inspection and maintenance a reçu 12 votes. 6ème - Use of simulated environments to stress test Computer Vision models a reçu 10 votes. 7ème - InMind-VR a reçu 5 votes.